The Association was founded in the year 1917 under the name “The Southern India Skin and Hide Merchants Association” (SISHMA)and was then serving the leather trade and industry of Southern India. In 1978, it was converted into an All India body and renamed as “The All India Skin and Hide Tanners and Merchants Association (AISHTMA) to serve at National Level. The Association has now turned 104 years old to serving the Industry and Nation.
The Leather and Leather Product Industry in India is basically export oriented and holds a prominent place in the Indian Economy. The Industry is known for its consistency in high export earnings and is among the top ten foreign exchange earners of the Country. The Leather and Leather Products exported as well as domestic production increased and its annual turnover recording a manifold increase over the past decades. About 70% of the production of Leather and Leather Products in the Country is exported. From the export of raw hides and semi- finished (EI & Wet Blue) leathers in the early years, India is now one of the major producer and exporter of finished leather, footwear, footwear components, leather garments, leather goods and saddler/ harness. As the raw material in affluence in India, added to this, the skilled manpower, innovative technology upgraded time to time increasing industry’s compliance to international environment and sustainability manufacturing, the export is increasing. India is the Second largest producer of footwear and leather garments in the World and third largest exporter of saddler and harness in the World. The total value of exports during the year ended 31 st March 2021 was about Rs.3,60,439.83 Crores equivalent to US$ 3,681.68 million. The Leather Industry is an employment intensive sector, providing job to about 4.42 million people, mostly from the weaker sections of the Society and the employment of women is pre-dominant in leather product sector with about 30% share.

The Association (AISHTMA) is an apex body to which various district and Regional Tanners Associations are affiliated apart from Common Effluent Treatment Plants. The Association has been representing to both Central and State Governments on the matters of importantance like import- export policies, labour, taxation etc., affecting leather trade and industry and they are considered by the Governments.
The Association is also helping the tanners by importing the most essential pollution free and eco-friendly tanning material i.e. Wattle Extract and distributing the same at landing cost thus benefiting a large number of medium and small tanners. The Wattle Extract is used in one of the process called “Vegetable Tanning”.
The Association is represented on National and Regional organizations and affiliated to:
- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi.
- Indian Council of Arbitration, New Delhi.
- Confederation of Indian Industry, New Delhi.
- Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
- Council for Leather Exports, Chennai.
- The Southern India Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Chennai.
- All India Manufacturers Organization, Chennai.
- The Employers’ Federation of Southern India, Chennai.
- The Hindustan Chambers of Commerce, Chennai
- The Andhra Chamber of Commerce, Chennai
- The Federation of Madras Merchants & Manufacturers Association, Chennai.
The Association had successfully hosted the ICT annual meeting in the year 1982 at Chennai when late Mr. A.D. Parpia was unanimously elected as its Vice-President for the Asian and Australian region. After his demise late Mr. C.K. Duraivelan was elected in his place to be the ICT Vice- President for the remaining term.
The Association coordinated in the putting up of Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) in various tanning clusters and there are 13 CETPs functioning in Tamil Nadu as on date. The industry is aware of its social obligations and the tanners are doing their best in eco-friendly products in the constructive and effective management of Effluent Treatment Plants. As a result no functional tannery in Tamil Nadu is without being connected to a CETP/IETP on a treatment plant for effluent/waste water discharged from tanneries.
The Association also played a major role and is closely involved with implementation of the `Zero Liquid Discharge’ based on membrane technology in treating tannery waste water by the tanners. The Association in consultation with National Scientific bodies adopted the Reverse Osmosis (RO) Technology after a long trial run in common facility and treatment plants are attached to individual tannery plants. On the guidance of the Central Leather Research Institute, an internationally famous and also scientific body and other scientific bodies in the field of environment the CETPs established Secured Land Fills to store Hazardous Solid Waste. The Association and the Industry is always adopting new technology in the processing of leather to make the environment safe and secure.
The Association recently signed a MoU with CSIR-CLRI-CSMCRI- in order to find a permanent solution to the accumulated R.O. Rejects (Salt) safely stored in all CETPs. The CSRI-Central Salt and Marine Chemical research Institute [CSMCRI] –Bhavnagar, Gujarat has come up with a successful and viable solution of separating pure Salt from R.O. Liquid Reject to be used in other industry as their raw material .The Association is planning to implement the project in all the R.O. Centre. The Association is in association with CSRI-CLRI is working on “Waterless Chrome Tanning”.
The Association owns a building in Raja Muthiah Road (Sydenhams Road), Periamet, Chennai. The old building was demolished in 1984 and a multi- storied building named “Leather Centre” was constructed in its place.
The Association had been sending delegations for sourcing raw materials for the industry. The members of the industry have visited Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Egypt for sourcing raw skin and hides. Recently, the Association lead a delegation which visited the Common Market Countries of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) like Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda for sourcing of raw materials. The members of the Association have established Joint Venture in Ethiopia and Uganda.
The Association holds regular meetings of its governing body, various Committees and also Meetings of Regional Tanners Associations as and when required to discuss subjects like labour, corporate social responsibility, Tannery Effluent disposal and abatement of pollution. It is also actively involved in Human Resources Development (HRD), Occupational Safety and Health Skill Development of Workforce and Tax matters related to the industry.
The Association has donated a “Ecco Van” to the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) Chennai on 07.10.2011 to mark the World Health Day. The Association has been sponsoring young and upcoming Scientists from the Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) to attend World Conferences in relation to Pollution Technology and new developments in sustainable Leather and Leather Products.
In March 2017, the Association celebrated its Centenary in a grand manner with events like “Photo Exhibition”, a pictorial story of the Association, the Leather Industry for the last 100 year and a short film on the leather industry. A MoU was signed between International Trade Centre (ITC)Geneva, and East African Countries like Kenyan and Ugandan Leather industries for broad frame work of understanding, sustainable development of global Leather sector. . The Association also honoured tanneries in existence for more than 100 years and the Senior Scientists and Special Invitees who served and contributed to the industry apart from the Stalwarts including the Past Presidents and Hony. Secretaries of the Association.
The Association is continuing its service to the Industry and the Public as well with the able Captainship of the Leaders of the Leather Industry.

Important Events of the Association.
- The Association hosted the ICT annual meeting in the year, 1982 at Chennai when late Mr. A .D. Parpia of M/s. Dharamsee Parpia group of companies was unanimously elected as its Vice-President for the Asian and Australian region. After his demise late Mr. C. K. Duraivelan , Managing Partner of M/s. C. Kalyanam & Company was elected to be the ICT Vice-President for the remaining term.
- The Association has its own building in Raja Muthiah Road,(Sydenhams Road) Periamet, Chennai, India. The old building was demolished in 1984 and a multi-storied new building "Leather Centre" was constructed in its place.
- The Association celebrated its Platinum Jubilee impressively on 6-8-19984. The Association honored the doyens of the leather industry and a souvenir was released on the occasion.
- The Association along with the Indian Bank and other National Banks has promoted the "Indian Institute of Leather Products" a full-fledged training Institute for the leather and leather product industry. The institute is imparting training programme related to leather industry, self help-group, women employees etc.,
Our Vision
The Indian Leather Industry has a strong vision set-up :
- Increase in Production of Leather and Leather Products
- Increase in Export
- Increase in Domestic Market to feed the need of every citizen
- Increase in employment by adopting new technology and skill Development.